Has it been a while since your agency updated its referral marketing process? Maybe you are concerned that social media isn’t a viable way to make real sales. The numbers from one recent digital marketing survey indicate otherwise.
The Advantage Held By Independent Agents
Consumers today are very active on social media. However, there is a real lack of an independent insurance agent presence there. And yet independent insurance agents actually may have an advantage over captive agents. Captive agents have to adhere to the social media restrictions of corporations. They may only be able to share certain posts or use certain social media platforms.
By The Numbers
It is estimated that 60 percent of insurance agents have a page on social media. Thirty percent of insurance agents are using social media to advertise, and 25 percent participate in group discussions. However, 30 percent of insurance agents have stated that they are not active on social media at all.
Many Independent Agencies Need To Modernize
A 2015 Insurance Marketing survey found that 80 percent of insurance agents relied on insurance requests to get referrals. This is a traditional tactic, but it will not meet the demand of today’s consumers.
Agencies Should Increase Their Engagement
Sixty-five percent of the survey involved independent agencies, and 50 percent of insurance agents stated that social media is the best way to attract millennial customers. However, only 30 percent of insurance agents engage with their customers via social media. In this case, it appears that insurance agents need to do more on social media in order to generate more business.