The Growing Challenge of Insuring Agribusiness Risks

From geographic challenges to the ever-present threat of catastrophic weather, agribusinesses today face an increasingly tough landscape when securing property coverage. If you’re seeking solutions for clients in the agribusiness sector, you don’t have to go it alone. Partnering with an experienced program administrator with specialized experience with commercial farm and ranch risks can help you navigate the nuances of the insurance market with ease. 

The Landscape of Agribusiness Insurance

Agribusiness insurance is essential for safeguarding the vast and varied assets of farms and ranches, including buildings, structures, fences, corrals, equipment, machinery, and sheds. However carrier underwriting guidelines for agribusiness property – particularly risks with a challenging claims history and those in high-risk geographic locations – are becoming more restrictive, and concern among agents and farm owners is on the rise.

Factor in the shrinking capacity for property coverage in regions prone to extreme weather, and it’s clear that agribusiness operations including hobby farms, row crops, dairies, and horse boarding and training operations need expert guidance to obtain appropriate coverage.

Challenges in Obtaining Property Coverage

So what exactly are business owners and agents up against? Securing property coverage for agribusiness risks involves navigating a complex array of obstacles that collectively impact the availability and affordability of insurance. Let’s dive in a little deeper.

The Geographic Gauntlet

Geographic location plays a crucial role in the challenges faced by agribusinesses in securing property coverage. Areas prone to severe weather have become particularly difficult to insure, with many carriers exiting these states altogether, leaving agribusiness owners in these regions with limited options. In Florida, the frequency of hurricanes and tropical storms has made insurers wary of offering property damage coverage. California faces different issues, with wildfires posing a significant threat to agribusiness properties. As carriers quietly exit the market, many property owners are left to wonder, “What now?” 

Weather Woes

Catastrophic weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, and windstorms cause extensive property damage and operational disruptions, requiring costly repairs and halting agricultural activities​​. Experienced farmers understand that seasonal changes will always have an impact on their businesses. However, the increasing frequency and severity of weather-related disasters have led to higher insurance premiums and limited coverage availability, making it more challenging for agribusinesses to secure affordable protection​​. Extreme weather also affects crop yields and quality, resulting in significant financial losses due to damaged crops and compromised soil health​​. When you look at it, it all adds up to a foreboding forecast, with economic and supply chain implications, price volatility, and shortages affecting both farmers and consumers​.

High Stakes of High TIV

Another critical factor complicating property coverage is the relatively high total insurable value (TIV) of agribusiness properties. The value of these properties can make carriers think twice about binding coverage, fearing the financial risk associated with potential claims. Accounts with a challenging claims history also face increased underwriting restrictions, higher deductibles, and increased premiums – assuming that the carrier doesn’t decline the business entirely.

MiniCo’s Specialization Gives You the Advantage

Given the current challenges in the property insurance market, partnering with an experienced program administrator is a win-win for both agents and their clients. MiniCo’s exclusive Agribusiness program offers specialized coverage including property, liability, commercial auto, and umbrella for a wide range of commercial agri, farm and ranch, equine, and dairy operations along with other target classes. Contact our experienced program underwriters for more information and to get a quote.

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