There is a lot of information you should have on your insurance website. Some items go without question such as your company name and information about the services you offer. However, there may be some very important items that are missing from your page. Let’s make sure you are not omitting any of these key elements that could prevent a potential client from reaching out to you.
Contact Information
Do not bury your contact information or hide it behind a contact form. When someone comes to your webpage, they already may be looking for your information so they can give you a call. Make this hunt as easy as possible for your visitors.
Updated Content
If you have a blog or links to social channels located on your site, make sure that those resources are updated. If you have a link to a blog that has not been updated in 2 to 3 years, you are going to make people wonder about the accuracy of the information on the rest of your website. The same can be true of your social media channels.
Quoting Integration and Online Payments
Make getting a quote from you an easy process. Try to make it as user-friendly as possible and remember to reach out to people who give you their information as soon as you can. The online quote process is going to keep the person on your site longer and could prompt a potential client to give you their number so you can reach out to them.
Along these lines, online payments can be something very nice for your existing customers. Having this option for your customers can make everyone’s life a lot easier.
Branding Issues
Sometimes genius strikes you and all of a sudden you have this great new tagline you want to put everywhere. If you’re not creating a new unique selling point (USP), then stick to the branding concept you already have and make sure it’s unified on all your sites and social accounts.
The biggest takeaway is to revise your site every so often to make sure that everything on it still reflects how you are doing business. Sites are not stationary entities. They should be ever-changing with fresh information.